Random user battle

ok to prevent flamewars,fights and bannage ill just ruin the ending: everyone wins k? also this pasta includes some people from legacystats the legacystats people codenames are more easy to find out who they are k? OK
so yeah also i dont know who made the "spongeboob goes apeshit and blows the shit out of the cat(?)" pasta so ill just call them Bloodeyes and codenames for others
So Blox was walking when bloodeyes kicked them in the head blox breathed fire and when Skullz just threw a bus at Bloodeyes but bloodeyes shouted "YOU DID THIS TO ME! YOU DID IT!" and shot lightning out of hands at skullz when suddenly MJ (not that MJ its just a codename from legacystats) kicked Blox in the back of the forehead when Joker (thats actually the name of someone on that site) stabbed Bloodeyes in the face Bloodeyes propelled themselves off the ground and kicked joker into the ground, then every user from legacystats and wikia were suddenly in an epic battle
all except one
Looking from my mountain i leapt down and started fighting
then the demonic smurfs came and the daleks and (insert your favourite enemy of something here) and stampeded so we all teamed together and kicked their butts into the void
then we all had cake and icecream and stuff
the end
oh btw at the start i kind of lied the demonic smurfs didnt win so yeah
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